![]() The cover of the new Xander
Richards espionage thriller, COAST: An Act of Burial |
I've purposely saved this most recent major commission
for last. Not so long ago a good friend and I were enjoying a beer in my
back yard, lamenting the rapid approach of our #0th birthdays, and comparing
"things yet undone" we still hoped to achieve before decrepitude
overtakes us and our ambitions. I said, "I hope I can properly record
these musical compositions of mine in a real recording studio someday."
"Hmm," he said, "What's that cost?" "I dunno,"
I replied, and was met with a withering glare that said: “You’re almost
#0 bonehead; you better get busy very soon, my friend.” So, to redeem
my humiliation, I resolved to call a local recording studio and get a price
for my ambition. Some of the orchestral pieces you may have heard on my
YouTube channel have almost 40 tracks, and I wanted someone knowledgeable
in the genre to work on it, preferably. So I started with the largest studio
in this part of the world ("I'll work my way down from there!"),
and inquired as to whether they might consider working on a “vanity project,
orchestral in nature?” “Well, come on down and let’s have a chat about
it!” the man on the phone said.
So we met and had a good discussion about music, agreeing on many important issues (including what qualifies for an acceptable malt beverage). Then he asked, “What do you want to do with this music?” “Well,” I replied, “I’m writing soundtracks for paintings, so I can promote my work with YouTube videos!” His eyebrow may have twitched. “You’re an artist? Show me what you do.” So I did. “You know,” he said, “I need an artist to do a cover for a novel I’m working on,” and there was an expectant pause (it seemed to me). My social skills are not well-developed, but I was certain this guy I just met was making me an offer, so I said: “I don’t know what’s possible, but I’d be very happy to exchange book cover art for music production.” “Deal!” he said, extending his hand. And that was how I came to meet Xander Richards. I am thrilled with the CD, Rumors
of Free Will and Wonder, he supervised for me, and I hope he is
equally pleased with the cover art for his first novel, COAST - An Act
of Burial. Rumor has it there may be sequels to both endeavors. What is certain,
however, is that Xander and I have recently collaborated on the musical score for the movie Daimons,
and so if you ever have occasion to see this movie on late-night TV, now you'll know it
was "those 2 beer-swillers who swapped expertise to realize their life's ambition" that
wrote the (excellent) music you're hearing...
The final sound mix for the movie Daimons was a savage hatchet-job and you can't hear the score at
all - which really is a pity because Xander's excellent work on the project is by far the best part of the show. The
filmakers have uploaded the film to YouTube in 8 pieces, and you can see the final chapter here:
Daimons Finale.
I can't actually recommend that you watch it, but you really should fast-forward to 12:30 just to hear Xander's outrageously good Closing Theme.
Xander did indeed follow An Act Of Burial with a very exciting sequel, A Test Of Faith, for
which I also did the cover art, and which you can buy
And my sequel? Well, I am indeed working on a collection of anarchist songs (and when I say anarchist, I really
mean a lot more Noam Chomsky and a lot less Sid Vicious) that might actually be available some day...
The Entrance Foyer
The Goddess Art of Jonathon Earl Bowser